Springlake-Earth Athletic Banquet

  • Springlake-Earth Athletic Banquet

    Springlake-Earth Athletic Banquet

    Springlake-Earth Athletic Banquet
  • Springlake-Earth Athletic Banquet

    Springlake-Earth Athletic Banquet

    Springlake-Earth Athletic Banquet

Evan DeLeon and Taytum Goodman were the recipients of the Green and Gold Award and Sayler Beerwinkle and Davey Crandall were the recipients of the Fighting Heart Award at Monday evening’s Athletic Banquet at Springlake-Earth ISD. (Staff Photo by Derek Lopez)

Evan DeLeon (left) was the recipient of the Earl Jordan Scholarhip and Sayler Beerwinkle (right) was the recipient of the Tyler McCurry Scholarship at Monday evening’s Athletic Banquet at Springlake-Earth ISD. (Staff Photo by Derek Lopez)